
I Have to Wear What??

  • April 28, 2011
  • Posted By: Pennsbury Manor

I just discovered a great online resource called American Centuries that I just had to share!  This website, which can be found at this address: http://americancenturies.mass.edu/home.html, was developed by Memorial Hall Museum in Deerfield, Massachusetts.  It’s main content looks at the turn-of-the-centuries in American History – 1700, 1800, and 1900 – and examines the people, politics, and daily life.  It includes some great content videos, activities, and even online collections to browse. 

I’ll let you explore on your own, but I want to highlight a GREAT interactive feature!  They have a fantastic “Dress Up” area where you can explore the different layers of clothing for women: http://americancenturies.mass.edu/activities/dressup/1700_woman.html AND for men: http://americancenturies.mass.edu/activities/dressup/1700_man.html

Pennsbury Manor | I Have to Wear What??Pennsbury Manor | I Have to Wear What??

These are very good examples of early 18th century dress, and very close to how we try to dress at Pennsbury Manor.  To learn about a garment or accessory, simply roll your mouse over the object until it highlights – a text box should appear and an audio voice will also read the text aloud.  Have fun learning and feel free to discuss in the comments section below!!

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